Emergency Support

Family emergencies are very difficult to deal with for all families, but for lower income families with little or no disposable income, emergencies can be devastating.

United Way provides emergency assistance for families facing a crisis due to a house fire, home eviction, a death of a parent or child, divorce, a parent’s job loss, a serious medical emergency and other emergencies that often leave families and their children in desperate situations. 

Families facing an emergency often need immediate help for housing, food, clothing, transportation, and other critical needs.  Family emergencies often lead to immediate loss of income and the inability to cover basic living expenses for lower income families.

When a family loses its home, when a parent dies in an accident or a child has a life threatening illness or injury, the costs for dealing with emergencies are expensive and can be overwhelming, for lower income families.  Not only are these families coping with a family crisis that is extremely emotional, they are also having to deal with an immediate financial crisis. 

United Way emergency assistance helps provide a “helping hand” for families dealing with an emergency or this type of trauma.